PMF Centre for Research and Consultancy
“Knowledge and Innovation are the keystones of progress” – Pranab Mukherjee
Pranab Mukherjee Foundation (PMF) is building strong partnerships to undertake research and education in the universities to improve higher education in India. The foundation has collaborated with several reputed institutions of higher learning to achieve the stated goal. These institutions include O.P. Jindal Global University, Azim Premji University, Swami Rama Himalayan University, University of Engineering and Management, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development amongst others.
PMF Centre for Research and Consultancy undertakes academic research related to areas of national and international importance.
Our Projects:

01/ Evolution of Constitutional Amendments
To study and assess the evolution and impect of constitutional emendments, evaluate the criticisms and their pros and cons. Also, Why did 21 constituional amendment bills fail to pass?

02/ ClimateChange
To invoke serious debates and discussions on climate change, not only at the level of experts, academicians and policy-makers but also the common citizenry.

03/ Delimitation of Constituencies
Exploring the need for delimitation of constituencies, which is rooted in Article 82 of the Constitution of India mandating readjustment of constituencies after each census.

04/ Evolution of Socio-Economic Rights in India
Aims at exploring, locating and mapping the patterns in the evolution of socio-economic rights in India, especially with a view to facilitating consistent evolution in the areas of contested socio-economic claims.

05/ Critical Thinking in Higher Education
Exploring the Indian higher education system to study the extent of critical thinking abilities and wheather they are encouraged and inculcated in higher education institutions and Universities.

06/ Women Reservation Bill
To deal directly with the idea and ideals of a democratic state (With referance to India). Scope of Right to Reservation that could be accorded under the Women’s Reservation Bill.
Seminar series:

01/ Samanvaya - Deliberations and Dialogue
Conducted in collaboration with O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, a dedicated platform that empowers to exchange valuable comments and ideas of people involved in educational endeavours and developmental projects. Participation at Samanvaya resonates with layered resources of knowledge from various fields.

02/ Towards Peace, Harmony and Happiness: Transition to Transformation
Two day seminars are being conducted at national as well as sub-regional levels along with Centre for Research in Industrial and Rural Development (CRRID), Chandigarh