LRP - Local Resource Person
A locally recruited representative of our organisation.
S/he acts as a teacher, guide, friend and advisor and serves as an effective link between the villages and the Foundation.
PMF provides them training and inculcates in them a deep understanding of the mission and objectives of the PMF.

To teach with devotion the subjects assigned to them and endeavor to turn children into responsible and happy citizens. This will include imparting training on happiness and emotional wellbeing , fight against malnutrition and women empowerment.

To assist the Foundation in identifying persons with the potential to turn into entrepreneurs and for organizing women self help groups.

To assist in connecting the farmers and other entrepreneurs to marketing organizations like FPOs and other such initiatives of the Foundation.

To maintain contact with the ASHA workers, ANM, Anganwaadi workers , and provide feedback to the Foundation for improving such services in the villages.

To assist the Foundation in organizing Gram vikas samitis to effectively implement and monitor various projects of the Foundation and its partners.

To educate the villagers about the various development schemes of the central and state government. You will maintain contact with the VLEs at the CSCs and assist the villagers in filling forms etc. for getting benefit of the schemes.

To act as an effective link between the village and the Foundation. To assist the Foundation in conducting surveys on the present state of affairs in the village to identify areas for effective intervention by the Foundation and impact analysis.

To help the Foundation arrange outreach and training programs and assist in undertaking campaigns like tree plantation, eat right health camps, sanitation, employment generation, etc.
Our LRPs are foot on ground. In order to serve better, we have dedicated activities which the LRPs are involved with
To organise a community building exercise called the “Outreach Program” with the village residents which includes women, children, youth and elderly. Each Outreach Program is held under the supervision of a girl or women (Daughter/Daughter-in-law) from that village. She has the authority to interrupt or stop the program any time. She oversees the proceedings.
There are cultural programs, awareness about schemes for farmers and SHGs, e-doctor camp, haat where local SHGs sell their products, etc. An elder member shares some history or story about the village. People are encouraged to perform some fork dance or song.
The LRP prepares ground for holding such event and is encouraged to invite people to make the event participatory.
Online Lesson Plans
- Daily Lesson Plan – for Smartclass and for Pathshala
- Test Assessment – Objective Type Questions or One liner questions
Daily Assessment and Discussion
- Prepare DAILY assessment test for each class
- Hold online classes for test answer/solutions discussion
(This is being followed since April 2020)
LRP is enabler in forming such aurthorities in the village so that we are in touch with the needs of the people.
Each GVS should have atleast 9 to 11 members (depending on the size of the village).
Who are these members?
A Sarpanch/Sarpanch Nominated Representative
A Female Asha Worker
A Female Anganwadi Worker,
A Numberdar,
One or Two Farmers,
An Retired Army officer/Government Personnel
A Retired or Working Teacher
One SMC Core Member
One or Two Women from SHG group