Happy Diwali

Diwali is a time for festivity and happiness cutting across all faiths and cultures. Let us on this occasion, join forces, share happiness, and help the needy and engage in collective efforts to lead our nation to greater glory. The diyas lit on the moonless night of Diwali signify the end of the darkness of ignorance and the beginning of light that enlightens all.

The citizens of this country have a right to lead a healthy, happy and productive life. The recent pollution levels at the time of Diwali breach that right. Extravagant celebrations have not only put a great strain on the environment but have also put people’s health at stake. These celebrations may seem fun but actually have far-reaching consequences which are not. Air pollution levels rise to dangerous levels, energy and food wastage increases, plastic packaging and cracker debris litters the roads and many people and animals suffer from anxiety attacks.

This Diwali I urge people to contemplate and reflect. Celebrate the festival with minimal consequences to the environment and health of all living beings. Think about our obligations to our fellow citizens.

On the joyous occasion of Diwali, I convey warm greetings and good wishes to all. May the festival serve as a catalyst for greater unity within our country.

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