reach out to rural india
Adopt a Village

Collaborate and Contribute
We invite you to be a part of the journey of building 5H (Humane, Healthy, HiTech, Harmonius and Happy) villages by joining hands with the Pranab Mukherjee Foundation. Adopt a Village for small but sustainable development.
You can choose to either sponsor all the modules of interventions in the adopted village or fuel just a few of them. You may pick just one of our projects to start with. The choice is yours. You may identify which of our proposed project(s) align to your values and or areas of work.
Who can 'Adopt a Village'?
- Non-Government Organisations
- Universities and Colleges
- CSR wings
- Social Enterprises

Going back to the roots!
Your contribution can trigger a wave of transformation
in a village that is awaiting change. Join us in serving the SmarTgrams.
“Small is Sustainable”
Composite Education

A smart classroom is equipped with computers and audio-visual aids, allowing the instructor to teach using a wider variety of media. This digital initiative is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performance in school.
Community level Paathshalas provide free evening tuition classes after school for drop-out, laggard and slow learners through its Local Resource Persons (LRPs) at a community center identified by the Foundation and provided to by the village Panchayats.
It aims to improve the learning levels of the students from Standard 3rd to Standard 8th in the subjects of Hindi, Science and Maths. It also serves additional tuition support for underprivileged students and hence, furthers the cause for formal education into villages.
Happiness Curriculum training and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training for the LRPs and Government School Teachers for LRPs and Government School Teachers. To capacitate LRPs and Government school teachers with new skill set and create awareness amongst teachers and school community
Holistic Health and Wellness

These clinics provide affordable primary healthcare services to rural/semi urban areas via telemedicine technology and nurse-assisted online medical consultations through a network of qualified doctors, diagnostic services and referral services to secondary and tertiary care facilities in nearby cities. One e-Doctor clinic covers a population of 20,000 people, thus covering 5-6 villages.
To create an omni-channel healthcare delivery platform having multiple touch-points including physical clinics, mobile based solutions and referral linkages to improve transparency & efficiency and reduce information asymmetry in the healthcare system
These clinics affordable alternative healthcare services to rural/semi urban areas via Indian Traditional ways of medications through trained AYUSH therapists. One AYUSH Wellness Centre covers the population of 2 midlle-sized villages. To promote a holistic approach towards health by propagating the indigenous way of medicine and therapy
These centers act as a one-stop destination for the students with learning disabilities to come and work upon their deficiencies under the expert guidance of psychiatrists and psychologists.
Aimed at promoting inclusive education by identifying and improving learning outcomes of children with special needs. The teachers and parents are also sensitized through the workshops which enable them to identify symptoms and signs in children with special needs.
Our 5H principles guide us to build a “Happy, Healthy and Harmonious” society. We work with mental health professionals to bring to the village community the ways of understanding themselves and others better. These workshops are in local languages to make the adults, women and children know their emotions. The activities done at this workshop are utilised by attendees to deal with day to day stressors. We also have mindfulness exercise which everyone loves because, they say, it makes them feel relaxed.
Agro-Value Chains

Under this project, the Foundation is promoting Organic Farming by providing subsidized organic inputs and bio fertilizers to 10 farmers in each village and conducting training programs/meetings in the villages of Haryana. In addition to this, Apiculture and other allied activities are also being promoted through demonstration farms established in two villages for training and demonstration purposes. To promote sustainable way of practicing agriculture while reducing the input cost and increasing the crop productivity
Under INM, the farmers are advised to use recommended doses of fertilizers and pesticides in a controlled manner while moving slowly towards sustainable organic practices. To promote sustainable way of practicing agriculture while reducing the input cost and increasing the crop productivity
Local youth and women are encouraged to become agro-prenuers. They are trained at our Innovation and Training Zone in the areas of food-processing and packaging. There are special entreprenuerial training to establish their own business. Our they can get skilled and work with food and non-food agro-based industries.
Local Self Help Groups (SHG), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO), and Gram Vikas Samitis (GVS) are formed for a streamlining efforts of people engaged in producing, processing and selling agro-based products. We guide them through registration, administration, marketing etc, to increase the gains of their efforts.
Agro-Value Chains

Through small meetings with 30-35 pro-active people or Panchayati Raj members from the village we understand the prima facie needs of the village community. Later an Outreach Programme is held. It is a community congregation where 300-400 villagers come together to deliberate and discuss upon the issues within the village. We discuss the needs of the village which are summarised and recorded. We try to cater to the needs or solve the issue ourselves 1st. We also encourage village communities to solve it on their own. The needs of public utilities are put across with the government officials. We also used it as a platform to sensitize the community about the various social issues prevailing in the area.
Access to Schemes programme focuses on using our Local Resource Persons and providing honorarium to Village Level Entrepreneurs to better run the Common Service Centre. To increase the coverage under various Government Schemes and to benefit of the villagers